How to NOT be bored

by M and A

1. Build a robot; name it Bob

2. Yell at random "invisible" people in the middle of the highway

3. Pretend to speak Spanish to non-Spanish-speaking-people

4. Pretend to speak Spanish to REAL Spanish people

5. Follow the first person you see until they yell at you to stop following them

6. Cook soup in a plant pot

7. Give a stranger a birth day present; have the present be a fish

8. Call your friends and act like crazy people

9. Jump rope with a long snake in the mall

10. Bathe your animals in ketchup and mayonaise

11. Next time someone comes over and falls asleep, draw a dart board on their face and practice with your dartboard skills

12. Slap strangers with twizlers

13. Force someone to eat the twizlers that you slapped them with

14. Destroy anything made of paper in your sight for two minutes

15. Spend your life savings on balloons

16. Inflate the balloons and try to fly using them

17. Rip up everything in your pantry/kitchen and feed it to the ducks

18. Try to dig to the center of the Earth

19. Center 8 hours of your life on trying to feel seismic waves

20. Throw ice cream at baseball enthusiasts

21. Fling peanut butter at geese

22. Have a staring contest with a picture of Lady Gaga

23. Take a piece of wall paper off of the wall, soak it in lemon juice, and put it over one of the lenses of your sun glasses

24. Make an account on eHarmony for your pet spider

25. Go to a therapist and ONLY talk about how your mustard won't stop yelling at you

26. Have a 'Mustard vs. Ketshup' war in your backyard

27. Run around the mall yelling like a maniac

28. Cry for as long as you can into big buckets then water a tree

29. Ask your highlighter for advice and yell at it until it answers!

30. Apologize to your carpet for always stepping on it


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That is so good!
by: Benjamin

That was hilarious and it was one of the ones you can do!
It gave me a good laugh. Also I made one that is 100 long! You can check it out and it is funny!

by: Anonymous

Most of these I probably won't do, but it gave me a good laugh!XD

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