Top 20 Pranks Kids Can Play On Parents Or Vice Versa


Growing up is all about fun and games and lots of laughter. How about some good clean fun, laughing with and at our parents too!

~ You wrap a box that contains batteries and a card. Write this on the box, “toys are not included”.

~ Stick googly eyes on the eggs you keep in the refrigerator. As soon as they open the refrigerator door to make breakfast, they’ll be taken aback for a few seconds.

~ Take their shampoo, conditioner or body wash bottle and unscrew the cap. Cover the top of the bottle with a transparent plastic wrap or a saran wrap. Screw the cap back on the top and cut off the rest of the paper so that nothing shows from outside. Your parents won't understand what is going on.

~ Cover up the remote sensor using a small strip of clear tape. You may also put some on the TV sensor. Watch your mom or dad trying to put their favorite TV show, do not laugh. They may think it is the batteries, still do not laugh!

~ Place a raisin inside a napkin and keep it in one of your hands. With the other hand, pretend to swat a fly while your child is watching. Take that napkin and pretend to pick up the fly with the napkin and then eat the raisin. Your parents will feel disgusted thinking that you have eaten the fly.

~ If your parents drink their coffee or tea with a touch of sugar, replace the sweetener in their sugar bowl with salt for a not-so-sweet surprise.

~ Move the time on your parent’s clock up an hour. Best done after your parents have gone to bed.

~ Stuff some cotton into the toes of your parents’ shoes. They will think their feet grew or their shoes shrank.

~ Get up a bit earlier than your parent and take the cell phone and tape it underneath their chair at the kitchen table. Then, when they are eating breakfast, call their cell phone and watch the reaction. They will look everywhere for that phone and will not think of looking under the kitchen chair.

~ Mom or dad's underwear drawer is the prank place here, safety pin all the undies together side by side. When they try to pull out one pair, they all come out.

~ Take a bottle of nail polish and regular plastic wrap. Pour some nail paint on the wrap and let it dry completely. Once it dries, cut the excess plastic off. Then, place it carefully on mom or dad's prized objects, whether it is the laptop, a dresser or favorite item of clothing, make sure it is completely dry before doing this. You can now put plastic wrap on the nail paint bottle opening, so that it won’t spill. Place it in a position that looks like it is the nail paint that spilled.

~ Use bubble wrap! Place bubble wrap under an area rug or a bathmat. This one’s particularly effective first thing in the morning, before your unsuspecting victim has had any coffee—nothing like a loud, unexpected noise to wake someone up real quick!

~ Every mom fears roaches in her kitchen. Take a plastic cup and put it upside down with a note, while she is away. The note should read: Don’t lift this up or it will crawl or fly, as if there’s an insect inside.

~ Put a little nutella or peanut butter on the toilet seat AND on the toilet roll, now wipe the spoon with another piece of toilet paper and leave that inside the toilet.

~ Swap the sugar and salt and watch them put it in their morning coffee. (Be nice and have a second, non-salted cup ready to go though.

~ Cut a giant beetle or spider from a paper (color it black or print a black one) and stick it on the inside of mom and dad's lamp shades next to their bed. Wait until they switch their lamps on, wait to see who is fooled by the make believe insect inside the lampshade first.

~ Take a print out of an image of an actor/singer your parent dislikes, but use a funny one. Paste the cut-out outside their bedroom window. When they open their curtain in the morning a surprise is waiting.

~ Fill a glass with water. Take a coaster and place it on the top of the glass. While holding the coaster, turn the glass over. Along with the coaster, keep the glass flat down. Pull the coaster very fast from below the glass and keep it like that. Your mom/dad will lift the ‘empty’ upside-down glass only to see the water pour out.

~ A parents birthday? Write at the back of their car with removable paint, “Honk and say happy birthday to Mat it's his 40th!” Passers-by will keep honking and wishing your parent. Surprise!

~ Take small pieces of pasta and secure it with tape beneath the toilet seat. When they sit down, the crunching sound will make them think they have cracked the seat.

~ Put some shaving cream in your mom/dad's hands while they are sleeping. Then tickle their nose. They will lather their face while trying to sooth the itch.

~ Put some Jelly Beans in your refrigerators ice dispenser.

~ Place 6 pieces of crayons in rainbow colors under the windscreen wiper to create a rainbow on windscreen when the windscreen wipers are used. Place in a position that will not obstruct the view of the driver while driving - unsure? Ask another parent for help.

~ While parent is away from table place a tub of ketchup in the bottom of an empty cup with lid. Now place the straw back in making sure the straw is in the ketchup. Watch them sip up the ketchup.

Have fun and enjoy playing these pranks on your family!

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My kids will love these
by: Marceille

My kids will absolutely love these pranks, thank goodness I come prepared!

Love these pranks
by: Anonymous

Love these pranks for kids to play on parents, thank you!

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